Saturday, August 9, 2008


Lately, there seems to be a lot of speculation about who's going to be the next batman villain.   

My guess?  Clay Aiken.  Here're my reasons:
1. His resemblance to Joel Osteen (look at the eyes)
2. His apparent ability to brainwash people (don't look at the eyes)

Thoughts, anyone?


Anonymous said...

OMG he freaks me OUT. Excellent choice. He wouldn't even need to play an actual Batman-related villain from the comics; he could play himself and it would TERRIFY the childrens.

Though if there's a petition to sign in regard to the next installment, I'm signing this one.

H Swinson said...

umm...yes, please.

H Swinson said...

actually, I'd like to sign a petition related to this