Thursday, November 27, 2008

An exercise in editing...

I think I may have ruined him by giving him a face

you've stolen my sleep, but I'm not sure I want it back - I loved it too much to imagine it could be as good the second time, My thoughts have fled till I can't form a sentence in french no more -> I only regret connecting thoughts - connecting across this world so grand, Funny how a squeaky pen can say more than 'I love you', But I've falsely discovered the source => discovered that I'm lost & that I don't care, that I'd rather wander down this endless track than stop for a minute to plant a seed, Chez moi=>chez moi? it's a phrase I don't connaîs no more, Mine is not a static existence=>nothing can wait till I'm 30, I will be 20 forever forever. Forever

in this perpetually pensive state - once drawn, never penned.

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