Sunday, August 10, 2008

I've already been to the mall...and it SUCKED!

Half-way through moving a set of shelves, my friend Laura and I got distracted and went to buy some CDs.  On the way back, we again got distracted and stopped by Kroger to purchase food and Blenheim Ginger Ale (this, my friends, is religion).  When we arrived, we separated in order to increase efficiency and said we'd meet up in the fresh vegetable aisle. 

After ten minutes of unsuccessful searching (you gotta hit the stores at the right time for Blenheim), I picked up brie and french bread instead (my secondary religion) and trudged unhappily over to the veggie aisle to report.  But Laura was no where to be seen.  So, I browsed a little bit and then started walking back to the soda aisle, thinking she'd gone in search of the elusive Blenheim.  

As was to be expected, I got distracted.  By the Nora Roberts/Danielle Steele aisle.  Man, I have not splurged on a grocery store book in a long time.  I browsed for a minute, searching for the most ridiculous cover and title on the shelf.  It was as I was reading the back cover of Hot Property that I heard my name called.  I looked up to see Laura with an armful of stuff...more specifically, vegetables, soy sauce, ketchup, and two 'bodice-rippers'.  We both looked at each other, armfuls of unusual combinations of food (although if I'd found the Blenheim, it would've been better) and romance novels, and burst into uncontrollable laughter.  "Whew! Oh Kroger, where it all started," I finally contained my giggles, "I remember why we're friends."

On the way back, we listened to "Californication" and I did dramatic readings from Hot Property.  


Go on then, do it
I want to see your nose crinkle,
your eyebrows furrow - 

Bite your cheek and think,
she reads what?!

But I represent the real, the norm,
the not-so-special,

This is life, folks,
and I gotta be proud of something.

You can take your fancy words
and stuff it - 
this is me.

1 comment:

The Go In Betweens said...

i have many many lighthearted and frivolous thoughts. my frivolity abounds abounds abounds abounds. but i have gotten so heavy-hearted and unstimulated recently and so i have a tedious clever-reference heavy-handed bum-befriending style lately.